A Magisterial Mishmash

The present grouping of images have a quote from Henri de Lubac as their inspirational nexus:

No more than life in Christ is the knowledge of Christ drawn from Scripture accessible to the natural man, the one who confines himself to mere appearances even in his deepest reflections. Interior and spiritual, the object of allegory is by that very fact a ‘hidden’ object: mysticum, occultus.

Midnight Pillow { Revisited }

This drawing initially derived from Mary Shelley's introductory comments for the 1831 edition to Frankenstein: "Night waned upon this talk, and even the witching hour had gone by, before we retired to rest. When I placed my head on my pillow, I did not sleep, nor could I be said to think. My imagination, unbidden, possessed and guided me, gifting the successive images that arose in my mind with a vividness far beyond the usual bounds of reverie. I saw—[. . .]." Since then the image was reworked for purposes of enhancing physiognomic distortions.


Midnight Pillow, Detail


Midnight Pillow, Detail


Midnight Pillow, Detail


Midnight Pillow, Detail